Source code for

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from astropy.timeseries import TimeSeries
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.nddata import NDData
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import astropy.units as u
from ndcube import NDCollection
from ndcube import NDCube
from hermes_core.util.exceptions import warn_user
from hermes_core.util.schema import HermesDataSchema

__all__ = ["CDFHandler"]

# ================================================================================================
#                                   ABSTRACT HANDLER
# ================================================================================================

class HermesDataIOHandler(ABC):
    Abstract base class for handling input/output operations of heliophysics data.

    def load_data(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[TimeSeries, dict]:
        Load data from a file.

        file_path : `str`
            A fully specified file path.

        data : `~astropy.time.TimeSeries`
            An instance of `TimeSeries` containing the loaded data.
        support : `dict[astropy.nddata.NDData]`
            Non-record-varying data contained in the file
        spectra : `ndcube.NDCollection`
            Spectral or High-dimensional measurements in the loaded data.

    def save_data(self, data, file_path: str):
        Save data to a file.

        data : `hermes_core.timedata.HermesData`
            An instance of `HermesData` containing the data to be saved.
        file_path : `str`
            The fully specified file path to save into.

# ================================================================================================
#                                   CDF HANDLER
# ================================================================================================

[docs] class CDFHandler(HermesDataIOHandler): """ A concrete implementation of HermesDataIOHandler for handling heliophysics data in CDF format. This class provides methods to load and save heliophysics data from/to a CDF file. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() # CDF Schema self.schema = HermesDataSchema()
[docs] def load_data(self, file_path: str) -> Tuple[TimeSeries, dict]: """ Load heliophysics data from a CDF file. Parameters ---------- file_path : `str` The path to the CDF file. Returns ------- data : `~astropy.time.TimeSeries` An instance of `TimeSeries` containing the loaded data. support : `dict[astropy.nddata.NDData]` Non-record-varying data contained in the file spectra : `ndcube.NDCollection` Spectral or High-dimensional measurements in the loaded data. """ from spacepy.pycdf import CDF if not Path(file_path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"CDF Could not be loaded from path: {file_path}") # Create a new TimeSeries ts = TimeSeries() # Create a Data Structure for Non-record Varying Data support = {} # Intermediate Type spectra = [] # Open CDF file with context manager with CDF(file_path) as input_file: # Add Global Attributes from the CDF file to TimeSeries input_global_attrs = {} for attr_name in input_file.attrs: if len(input_file.attrs[attr_name]) == 0: # gAttr is not set input_global_attrs[attr_name] = "" elif len(input_file.attrs[attr_name]) > 1: # gAttr is a List input_global_attrs[attr_name] = input_file.attrs[attr_name][:] else: # gAttr is a single value input_global_attrs[attr_name] = input_file.attrs[attr_name][0] ts.meta.update(input_global_attrs) # First Variable we need to add is time/Epoch if "Epoch" in input_file: time_data = Time(input_file["Epoch"][:].copy()) time_attrs = self._load_metadata_attributes(input_file["Epoch"]) # Create the Time object ts["time"] = time_data # Create the Metadata ts["time"].meta = OrderedDict() ts["time"].meta.update(time_attrs) # Get all the Keys for Measurement Variable Data # These are Keys where the underlying object is a `dict` that contains # additional data, and is not the `EPOCH` variable variable_keys = filter(lambda key: key != "Epoch", list(input_file.keys())) # Add Variable Attributtes from the CDF file to TimeSeries for var_name in variable_keys: # Extract the Variable's Metadata var_attrs = self._load_metadata_attributes(input_file[var_name]) # Extract the Variable's Data var_data = input_file[var_name][...] if input_file[var_name].rv(): # See if it is record-varying data with Units if "UNITS" in var_attrs and len(var_data) == len(ts["time"]): # Check if the variable is multi-dimensional if len(var_data.shape) > 1: try: # Create an NDCube Object for the data self._load_spectra_variable( spectra, var_name, var_data, var_attrs, ts.time ) except ValueError: warn_user( f"Cannot create NDCube for Spectra {var_name} with UNITS {var_attrs['UNITS']}. Creating Quantity with UNITS 'dimensionless_unscaled'." ) # Swap Units var_attrs["UNITS_DESC"] = var_attrs["UNITS"] var_attrs["UNITS"] = ( u.dimensionless_unscaled.to_string() ) self._load_spectra_variable( spectra, var_name, var_data, var_attrs, ts.time ) else: # Load as Record-Varying `data` try: self._load_timeseries_variable( ts, var_name, var_data, var_attrs ) except ValueError: warn_user( f"Cannot create Quantity for Variable {var_name} with UNITS {var_attrs['UNITS']}. Creating Quantity with UNITS 'dimensionless_unscaled'." ) # Swap Units var_attrs["UNITS_DESC"] = var_attrs["UNITS"] var_attrs["UNITS"] = ( u.dimensionless_unscaled.to_string() ) self._load_timeseries_variable( ts, var_name, var_data, var_attrs ) else: # Load as `support` self._load_support_variable( support, var_name, var_data, var_attrs ) else: # Load Non-Record-Varying Data as `support` self._load_support_variable(support, var_name, var_data, var_attrs) # Create a NDCollection if len(spectra) > 0: # Implement assertion that all spectra are aligned along time-varying dimension aligned_axes = tuple(0 for _ in spectra) spectra = NDCollection(spectra, aligned_axes=aligned_axes) else: spectra = NDCollection(spectra) # Return the given TimeSeries, NRV Data return ts, support, spectra
def _load_metadata_attributes(self, var_data): var_attrs = {} for attr_name in var_data.attrs: if isinstance(var_data.attrs[attr_name], datetime): # Metadata Attribute is a Datetime - we want to convert to Astropy Time var_attrs[attr_name] = Time(var_data.attrs[attr_name]) else: # Metadata Attribute loaded without modifications var_attrs[attr_name] = var_data.attrs[attr_name] return var_attrs def _load_timeseries_variable(self, ts, var_name, var_data, var_attrs): # Create the Quantity object var_data = u.Quantity(value=var_data, unit=var_attrs["UNITS"], copy=False) ts[var_name] = var_data # Create the Metadata ts[var_name].meta = OrderedDict() ts[var_name].meta.update(var_attrs) def _load_support_variable(self, support, var_name, var_data, var_attrs): # Create a NDData entry for the variable support[var_name] = NDData(data=var_data, meta=var_attrs) def _get_tensor_attribute( self, var_attrs, naxis, attribute_name, default_attribute ): """ Function to get the `attribute_name` for each dimension of a multi-dimensional variable. For example if we have variable 'des_dist_brst' and we want to get the `.cunit` member for the WCS corresponding to the 'CUNIT' Keyword Attribute: - 'CUNIT1': 'eV' (DEPEND_3: 'mms1_des_energy_brst') - 'CUNIT2': 'deg' (DEPEND_2: 'mms1_des_theta_brst') - 'CUNIT3': 'deg' (DEPEND_1: 'mms1_des_phi_brst' ) - 'CUNIT4': 'ns' (DEPEND_0: 'Epoch') We want to return a list of these units: ['eV', 'deg', 'deg', 'ns'] """ # Get `attribute_name` for each of the dimensions attr_values = [] for dimension_i in range(naxis): dimension_attr_name = ( f"{attribute_name}{dimension_i+1}" # KeynameName Indexed 1-4 vs 0-3 ) if dimension_attr_name in var_attrs: attr_values.append(var_attrs[dimension_attr_name]) else: attr_values.append(default_attribute) return attr_values def _get_world_coords(self, var_data, var_attrs, time): # Define WCS transformations in an astropy WCS object. # Get the N in var_attrs: if "WCSAXES" in var_attrs: # NOTE We have to cast this to an INT because spacepy does not let us directly set a # zAttr type when writing a variable attribute to a CDF. It tries to guess the type # of the attribute based on they type of the data. naxis = int(var_attrs["WCSAXES"]) else: naxis = len(var_data.shape) wcs = WCS(naxis=naxis) for keyword, prop, default in self.schema.wcs_keyword_to_astropy_property: prop_value = self._get_tensor_attribute( var_attrs=var_attrs, naxis=naxis, attribute_name=keyword, default_attribute=default, ) setattr(wcs.wcs, prop, prop_value) # wcs.wcs.ctype = 'WAVE', 'HPLT-TAN', 'HPLN-TAN' # wcs.wcs.cunit = 'keV', 'deg', 'deg' # wcs.wcs.cdelt = 0, 0, 0 # wcs.wcs.crpix = 0, 0, 01 # wcs.wcs.crval = 0, 0, 0 # wcs.wcs.cname = 'wavelength', 'HPC lat', 'HPC lon' # TIME ATTRIBUTES wcs.wcs.timesys = "UTC" # Set the MJDREF (Modified Julian Date Reference) to the start of the TimeSeries # An unexpected (feature?) of the WCS API is that MJDREF is an vector # attribute rather than a scalar attribute wcs.wcs.mjdref = [time[0].mjd, 0] wcs.wcs.timeunit = "ns" time_delta = time[1] - time[0] wcs.wcs.timedel ="ns").value return wcs def _load_spectra_variable(self, spectra, var_name, var_data, var_attrs, time): # Create a World Cordinate System for the Tensor var_wcs = self._get_world_coords(var_data, var_attrs, time) # Create a Cube var_cube = NDCube( data=var_data, wcs=var_wcs, meta=var_attrs, unit=var_attrs["UNITS"] ) # Add to Spectra spectra.append((var_name, var_cube))
[docs] def save_data(self, data, file_path: str): """ Save heliophysics data to a CDF file. Parameters ---------- data : `hermes_core.timedata.HermesData` An instance of `HermesData` containing the data to be saved. file_path : `str` The path to save the CDF file. Returns ------- path : `str` A path to the saved file. """ from spacepy.pycdf import CDF # Initialize a new CDF cdf_filename = f"{data.meta['Logical_file_id']}.cdf" output_cdf_filepath = str(Path(file_path) / cdf_filename) with CDF(output_cdf_filepath, masterpath="") as cdf_file: # Add Global Attriubtes to the CDF File self._convert_global_attributes_to_cdf(data, cdf_file) # Add zAttributes self._convert_variables_to_cdf(data, cdf_file) return output_cdf_filepath
def _convert_global_attributes_to_cdf(self, data, cdf_file): # Loop though Global Attributes in target_dict for attr_name, attr_value in data.meta.items(): # Make sure the Value is not None # We cannot add None Values to the CDF Global Attrs if attr_value is None: cdf_file.attrs[attr_name] = "" else: # Add the Attribute to the CDF File cdf_file.attrs[attr_name] = attr_value def _convert_variables_to_cdf(self, data, cdf_file): # Loop through Scalar TimeSeries Variables for var_name in data.timeseries.colnames: var_data = data.timeseries[var_name] if var_name == "time": # Add 'time' in the TimeSeries as 'Epoch' within the CDF cdf_file["Epoch"] = var_data.to_datetime() # Add the Variable Attributes self._convert_variable_attributes_to_cdf("Epoch", var_data, cdf_file) else: # Add the Variable to the CDF File cdf_file[var_name] = var_data.value # Add the Variable Attributes self._convert_variable_attributes_to_cdf(var_name, var_data, cdf_file) # Loop through Non-Record-Varying Data for var_name, var_data in # Guess the data type to store # Documented in _, var_data_types, _ = self.schema._types( # Add the Variable to the CDF File name=var_name,, type=var_data_types[0], recVary=False, ) # Add the Variable Attributes self._convert_variable_attributes_to_cdf(var_name, var_data, cdf_file) # Loop through High-Dimensional/Spectra Variables for var_name in data.spectra: var_data = data.spectra[var_name] # Add the Variable to the CDF File cdf_file[var_name] = # Add the Variable Attributes self._convert_variable_attributes_to_cdf(var_name, var_data, cdf_file) def _convert_variable_attributes_to_cdf(self, var_name, var_data, cdf_file): for var_attr_name, var_attr_val in var_data.meta.items(): if var_attr_val is None: raise ValueError( f"Variable {var_name}: Cannot Add vAttr: {var_attr_name}. Value was {str(var_attr_val)}" ) elif isinstance(var_attr_val, Time): # Convert the Attribute to Datetime before adding to CDF File cdf_file[var_name].attrs[var_attr_name] = var_attr_val.to_datetime() else: # Add the Attribute to the CDF File cdf_file[var_name].attrs[var_attr_name] = var_attr_val